“Let me live, love, and say it well in good sentences."
~ Sylvia Plath

Happy Mother’s Day

Happy Mother’s Day

Dear Momma,

This holiday always creeps up on us. It’s a holiday we don’t see coming. April always seems to go by too fast, and it leaves us shocked to start May. I graduated two different times on Mother’s day. It seemed appropriate to a certain degree—I would not have been as successful without your love and support. Celebrating my graduation on Mother’s day felt like a celebration for you too.

I feel like there is one thing I can’t say enough. I could say it everyday for the rest of my life, and it still wouldn’t be enough. Thank you.

Remember that time my senior year when you brought me a late night snack of Jello? I was working on my term paper and you brought me Jello with a spork. I didn’t know how badly I needed to laugh. You laughed with me as I let go of some stress and enjoyed taking a break. Thank you.

Do you remember when the boys would go on Boy Scout campouts and we would have Mommy-Anna dates? One time we set up canvases in the basement and you started dabbling back into painting. I did a little something, but it wasn’t nearly as successful. I started writing while you painted. Your creativity and art inspires me all the time. Thank you.

Remember that one night we rented Pride and Prejudice? And we suffered through it the first time—by the end we figured out the lingo. It moved us both to tears so we watched it again that night. And the next night. I love that we got to experience that movie together. Thank you.

All those trips to Omaha to the Spine Center? Thank you. For your strength. Thank you. For your positivity. Thank you.

Thank you for showing me a godly woman. Thank you for teaching me how to bake. Thank you for encouraging me to learn how to sew. Thank you for letting me move back into your house after college. Thank you for your patience, kindness, and support.

We have been through a lot of fights. And we’ve been through a lot of joys. Thank you for being my role model. I hope that someday I’ll be able to parent my own kids with as much sacrifice, grace, and laughter as you have raised me.

I love you Momma—more than the most that ever mosted.

Heavy Heart, Full Heart

Heavy Heart, Full Heart

April Favorites

April Favorites